Thursday, June 23, 2011


Location : 太子彌敦道765號新望大廈地下
Rate : 3/10
Price : $30-$35/person 
Comment : Not a very good 茶餐廳 place. Based on the main dish, I'd say it's a pretty bad restaurant. Only give a bit of credit for its borsche soup, but not good enough for a passing grade. Most likely would not go again. 


- curry was too oily. flavour was okay I guess, but not too great
- fish fillet was terrible, poorly deep-fried. The batter was bad and I actually got pieces that were just batter with no fish. 
- so much rice it feels like they're just trying to stuff me with it

Cold Ovaltine

羅宋湯 (Borsche soup)
- nothing special, but flavour was not bad.

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